Chairman's Desk

Chairman's Desk

From the Chairman's Desk

My heart fills with pride and pleasure as I perceive the progress being made at Holy Angel Public School . The seed of an idea sown in 2003, has quickly come to fruition, and the school is growing into a strong sapling.It is the endeavour of the Bisht Educational & Welfare Society to make the academic life, a smooth journey full of joy and discovery. I extend my warm wishes to the Director's, Principal, Staff and Students of Holy Angel Public School, to continue this journey on the road to excellence.

HAPS proclaims a powerful vision for the future of young people and has a deep understanding of responsibility to help shape their lives.

We aim to unearth every child's talent and provide opportunities which will enable them to discover something excited and enthusiastic for them by which the learning and buoyancy are always at par with each other.

The academics and extra curricular activities, add a remarkable educational experience in student's life.
We are confident that in the years to come we shall equip our students with not only the basic knowledge of their concerned discipline but also a deep insight into it, so that they can stand on their own and achieve perfection in the careers of their choice.

May the sapling grow into a sturdy tree and spread its branches !


Mr. Narayan S. Bisht
